Here’s today’s bite-sized Hands-On Nutrition strategy! Strategy #20: Start a garden! Start a garden at home, in the yard or window sill, and involve your kids in all aspects. Work with your children’s school to start a school garden. Vegetables can then be served at mealtime. Check back tomorrow for more Hands-On Nutrition with Barbara […]
Hands-On Nutrition: Break time
Here’s today’s bite-sized Hands-On Nutrition strategy! Strategy #19: Take a break! Take a break with stretching or jumping jacks to help reduce stress and energize yourself and your kids. You can also reduce stress with other types of activities, like yoga, meditation, tai chi, and reading time. Check back tomorrow for more Hands-On Nutrition with […]
Hands-On Nutrition: Field trip!
Here’s today’s bite-sized Hands-On Nutrition strategy! Strategy #18: Take a field trip! Take a field trip to a local farm or farmer’s market to teach kids where food comes from. Let kids help choose fresh produce from the market to take home, and let them be involved in deciding how it will be incorporated into […]
Hands-On Nutrition: Responsibility
Here’s today’s bite-sized Hands-On Nutrition strategy! Strategy #18: Demand corporate responsibility! If food companies want us to take personal responsibility for the nation’s obesity epidemic, let’s make them take corporate responsibility for their special contribution! Work to limit junk food advertisements aimed at children; eliminate soda and junk food vending machines from school hallways; demand […]
Hands-On Nutrition: Body image
Here’s today’s bite-sized Hands-On Nutrition strategy! Strategy #17: Help kids feel good about themselves! Whatever their size and shape, encourage kids to realize that every body is different, and different is a great thing! Less than 2% of girls could have anywhere near the shape or weight of a fashion model without resorting to dangerous […]