Long Time No Blog
It’s been a while since the last update from Troupe 1. In a nutshell, we’ve been busy. Where exactly have we been busy? Here are some of the highlights:
First we went to Maine:
Our week in Maine was followed by that incredible fluke of a snowstorm that left millions across the Northeast without power for days.
Next came Providence, RI, where we celebrated Halloween by following a lead from our “Janey,” Alex, to visit the home of H.P. Lovecraft, a horror and weird fiction writer most well known for his Cthulhu Mythos. Think Edgar Allan Poe meets Stephen King. Perfect for Halloween, huh?
Following Rhode Island we made a few stops in Connecticut and then spent a good chunk of time out and about and around New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts. I have to say that as much as I’ve heard about the beauty of Fall in New England, it’s definitely surpassed my expectations. The fireworks of Fall are on full display in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, the Green Mountains of Vermont, and the Berkshires of Massachusetts.
Before Thanksgiving we went back up to Maine to polish off a week of shows put on by the Piscataquis Public Health Council (Pis-CAT-a-kwis). You can check out the local media coverage here and here.
And that’s about it for the past month. Like I said, just a little bit busy.Coach J’s Pick of the…Month:
One of the reasons I love my job at FOODPLAY is that we get to go to a lot of places that normal folks might not have a particular reason to visit. One such place came in the past couple of weeks when we got to take a ferry to get to our school in Grand Isle, Vermont:
It may not seem like much, but for a simple Tennessee boy (we don’t really have ferry services in TN–go figure, huh?) it made my day!
Stay healthy,
Coach J
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