FoodPlay Family Fun Nights

Celebrate healthy habits!
Get the whole school community on board!
Build a fun family night with FOODPLAY! Turn kids and their families on to healthy eating and active living! In one magical family night with live theater, juggling, music, magic, and audience participation, kids and parents will learn almost everything they need to jump-start their eating and physical activity habits. Plus, they’ll have lots of fun in the process! Bring this exciting family night to your school or community event, and watch kids and their families take charge of growing up healthy and fit!
Showcase your school’s amazing wellness initiatives and nutrition programs!
FOODPLAY Family Fun Nights include:
- Invitation Flyers
- Guide to a Great Family Fun Night
- Snack Cards/Nutrition Tips for each student
- Nutrition Handouts for kids and parents (reproducible)
- Recipes for Healthy Snack Stations (reproducible)
- Press Packet and Tips for Media Coverage
- Memos to School Staff
- Newsletters for Parents – Seasonal Gr’Eatings
License to distribute four quarterly editions to parents at your school.
Download Family Fun Night Flier
Every school in the country should bring FOODPLAY to their kids and families! A great way to connect the dots of your food, health, and wellness initiatives, and get parents excited and on board to raise healthy students!”
FOODPLAY was a huge success and a great way to bring the whole community together to celebrate healthy habits. There’s nothing better than parents and kids learning together how to make healthier choices! Parents got to meet and greet our school nutrition staff and taste a wide variety of the healthy foods we’re serving up in our lunch and breakfast programs. A great time was had by all!”
FOODPLAY made for a fantastic Family Night! We have a hard time getting parents to come to our events, but after the kids saw FOODPLAY at school, they ‘dragged’ their whole families back to school. They filled the entire gym, and stayed late to find out more about how to help their kids eat healthier and be more active. FOODPLAY was a great way to engage the community, especially our hard to reach parents.”
Thanks for the wonderful show. Now I started eating better and healthier foods. P.S. My mother says thank you, too!”
Check out this Family Fun Night VIDEO