FOODPLAY’S Fresh Adventure!

A Health & Nutrition Program for Elementary School Ages & Families
Helping Children Take Charge of Growing Up Healthy and Fit!
A Jazzy, Hip-Hop Version of FOODPLAY
A new show with an urban flair dishes up nutrition and active lifestyles with theater, music, dance, juiggling, rap, audience participation and FUN!
An exceptional program! Children really relate to the characters, music, performance, and messages. Teachers and students are inspired to make real lifestyle changes regarding nutrition and physical activity. A great addition to our efforts in creating healthy schools.
FOODPLAY's Fresh Adventure! Teaches Kids How To:
- Choose healthy meals and snacks at home, school, and on the run.
- Get the most nutritional value for their money.
- Fuel up with breakfast and participate in school breakfast programs.
- Increase their intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and calcium-rich foods.
- Cut down on sweets, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats.
- Read food labels, see through media messages, and critically analyze advertisements.
- Have fun being active every day.
- Treat their bodies right—whatever size and shape—and discover that every body is different, and different is a great thing!

Comes with Complete Resource Kit:
- FOODPLAY Teacher’s activity Guidebook (60+ pages of lesson plans)
- Healthy snack cards for kids
- Parent Letter (English & Spanish) with healthy tips
- Food service packet to link cafeteria with classroom learning
- Nurse packet to promote school wellness
- Evaluation to assess program impact
- Press kit, web activities and downloads
Great Assembly! Thank you for teaching me how to eat healthy and treat my body right! I will stop drinking too much soda, start eating more vegetables, check ingredient labels, and be more active!”
I liked the play because it shows how to eat healthy, and it tells you to read it before you eat it.”