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Ace Food Detective: Cracking the Case! DVD Kit
Use this exciting DVD with 12 fun-filled “Case Files” – to actively engage students around a whole unit on nutrition! Kids become “Ace Food Detectives” as they discover the missing ingredient to Janey’s juggling success—how to eat to win!
This dynamic video series presents our national award-winning FOODPLAY Show, featuring inspiring live-action performers, amazing feats of juggling, music, magic, and splashy graphics to help kids take charge of growing up healthy, active and fit. Kids get to answer questions and take on interesting investigations as they learn how to make sense of today’s confusing food marketplace.
Features: 12 Case Files (2-5 minutes each), Interactive Questions, Answers, and Special Investigations!
Nutrition Education in 10 Bite-Size Interactive Lessons!
Bring the excitement of our live FOODPLAY Show into your classroom or at home—with amazing feats of juggling, motivating characters, music, and magic. Each live action segment filled with fun animation empowers kids with the skills they need to see through media messages and make their choices, healthy ones.
PLUS – After each “Case File,” kids have fun answering a set of interactive questions and special investigations which integrate nutrition into core subject areas of reading, writing, and a little bit of ‘rithmatic!
Children learn how to:
Fuel up with breakfast; eat more fruits and vegetables; cut down on sweets, especially sugary drinks; decode ingredient labels; choose foods that are good for their health and the health of the planet; and have fun being active every day.
Sneak Preview
“Fun Nutrition for Kids – The Scoop on Sugar”
Case File & Investigations
- Intro—Background File
- What’s up/down with sugar?
- What makes a good breakfast?
- How many fruits and veggies should we eat every day?
- What’s the difference between an apple and a fast food apple pie?
- How much sugar is there in soda?
- What is soda made of?
- What does soda do to your teeth?
- What’s left to drink instead of soda?
- How to find out what’s in a food or drink? (Reading labels)
- What else can we do to be healthy? (Physical Activity)
- Case Closed—Closing File