Fun pre-show and follow-up materials to keep the FOODPLAY message alive all year!

Please see your school contact for hard copies of these materials.

Pre-Show Packet

Or download sections of the Pre-Show Packet:

MyPlate Activity Guidebook (download complete guidebook)

After the Show – Fun Ideas
After you see FOODPLAY, check out these fun ideas, learn to juggle with our own fun video, and swap ideas with other educators here!

Top 15 Quick & Easy Follow-Up Activities
Check out these quick and easy activities to follow up the FOODPLAY show in your classroom, cafeteria, and at home.

Take the FOODPLAY Challenge
Make copies and distribute to kids to color and post on their fridge!

Additional Resources
These are great resources to follow up the FOODPLAY show and teach nutrition throughout the year. Check them out at the FoodPlay Store.